s_name = substr( $class_name, 0, 140 ); return 'wc_batch_' . $class_name . '_' . $class_md5; } /** * Update the state for a processor after a batch has completed processing. * * @param BatchProcessorInterface $batch_processor Batch processor instance. * @param float $time_taken Time take by the batch to complete processing. * @param \Exception|null $last_error Exception object in processing the batch, if there was one. */ private function update_processor_state( BatchProcessorInterface $batch_processor, float $time_taken, \Exception $last_error = null ): void { $current_status = $this->get_process_details( $batch_processor ); $current_status['total_time_spent'] += $time_taken; $current_status['last_error'] = null !== $last_error ? $last_error->getMessage() : null; update_option( $this->get_processor_state_option_name( $batch_processor ), $current_status, false ); } /** * Schedule a processing action for a single processor. * * @param string $processor_class_name Fully qualified class name of the processor. * @param bool $with_delay Whether to schedule the action for immediate execution or for later. */ private function schedule_batch_processing( string $processor_class_name, bool $with_delay = false ) : void { $time = $with_delay ? time() + MINUTE_IN_SECONDS : time(); as_schedule_single_action( $time, self::PROCESS_SINGLE_BATCH_ACTION_NAME, array( $processor_class_name ) ); } /** * Check if a batch processing action is already scheduled for a given processor. * Differs from `as_has_scheduled_action` in that this excludes actions in progress. * * @param string $processor_class_name Fully qualified class name of the batch processor. * * @return bool True if a batch processing action is already scheduled for the processor. */ public function is_scheduled( string $processor_class_name ): bool { return as_has_scheduled_action( self::PROCESS_SINGLE_BATCH_ACTION_NAME, array( $processor_class_name ) ); } /** * Get an instance of a processor given its class name. * * @param string $processor_class_name Full class name of the batch processor. * * @return BatchProcessorInterface Instance of batch processor for the given class. * @throws \Exception If it's not possible to get an instance of the class. */ private function get_processor_instance( string $processor_class_name ) : BatchProcessorInterface { $processor = wc_get_container()->get( $processor_class_name ); /** * Filters the instance of a processor for a given class name. * * @param object|null $processor The processor instance given by the dependency injection container, or null if none was obtained. * @param string $processor_class_name The full class name of the processor. * @return BatchProcessorInterface|null The actual processor instance to use, or null if none could be retrieved. * * @since 6.8.0. */ $processor = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_get_batch_processor', $processor, $processor_class_name ); if ( ! isset( $processor ) && class_exists( $processor_class_name ) ) { // This is a fallback for when the batch processor is not registered in the container. $processor = new $processor_class_name(); } if ( ! is_a( $processor, BatchProcessorInterface::class ) ) { throw new \Exception( "Unable to initialize batch processor instance for $processor_class_name" ); } return $processor; } /** * Helper method to get list of all the enqueued processors. * * @return array List (of string) of the class names of the enqueued processors. */ public function get_enqueued_processors() : array { return get_option( self::ENQUEUED_PROCESSORS_OPTION_NAME, array() ); } /** * Dequeue a processor once it has no more items pending processing. * * @param string $processor_class_name Full processor class name. */ private function dequeue_processor( string $processor_class_name ): void { $pending_processes = $this->get_enqueued_processors(); if ( in_array( $processor_class_name, $pending_processes, true ) ) { $pending_processes = array_diff( $pending_processes, array( $processor_class_name ) ); $this->set_enqueued_processors( $pending_processes ); } } /** * Helper method to set the enqueued processor class names. * * @param array $processors List of full processor class names. */ private function set_enqueued_processors( array $processors ): void { update_option( self::ENQUEUED_PROCESSORS_OPTION_NAME, $processors, false ); } /** * Check if a particular processor is enqueued. * * @param string $processor_class_name Fully qualified class name of the processor. * * @return bool True if the processor is enqueued. */ public function is_enqueued( string $processor_class_name ) : bool { return in_array( $processor_class_name, $this->get_enqueued_processors(), true ); } /** * Dequeue and de-schedule a processor instance so that it won't be processed anymore. * * @param string $processor_class_name Fully qualified class name of the processor. * @return bool True if the processor has been dequeued, false if the processor wasn't enqueued (so nothing has been done). */ public function remove_processor( string $processor_class_name ): bool { $enqueued_processors = $this->get_enqueued_processors(); if ( ! in_array( $processor_class_name, $enqueued_processors, true ) ) { return false; } $enqueued_processors = array_diff( $enqueued_processors, array( $processor_class_name ) ); if ( empty( $enqueued_processors ) ) { $this->force_clear_all_processes(); } else { update_option( self::ENQUEUED_PROCESSORS_OPTION_NAME, $enqueued_processors, false ); as_unschedule_all_actions( self::PROCESS_SINGLE_BATCH_ACTION_NAME, array( $processor_class_name ) ); } return true; } /** * Dequeues and de-schedules all the processors. */ public function force_clear_all_processes(): void { as_unschedule_all_actions( self::PROCESS_SINGLE_BATCH_ACTION_NAME ); as_unschedule_all_actions( self::WATCHDOG_ACTION_NAME ); update_option( self::ENQUEUED_PROCESSORS_OPTION_NAME, array(), false ); } /** * Log an error that happened while processing a batch. * * @param \Exception $error Exception object to log. * @param BatchProcessorInterface $batch_processor Batch processor instance. * @param array $batch Batch that was being processed. */ protected function log_error( \Exception $error, BatchProcessorInterface $batch_processor, array $batch ) : void { $batch_detail_string = ''; // Log only first and last, as the entire batch may be too big. if ( count( $batch ) > 0 ) { $batch_detail_string = "\n" . wp_json_encode( array( 'batch_start' => $batch[0], 'batch_end' => end( $batch ), ), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ); } $error_message = "Error processing batch for {$batch_processor->get_name()}: {$error->getMessage()}" . $batch_detail_string; /** * Filters the error message for a batch processing. * * @param string $error_message The error message that will be logged. * @param \Exception $error The exception that was thrown by the processor. * @param BatchProcessorInterface $batch_processor The processor that threw the exception. * @param array $batch The batch that was being processed. * @return string The actual error message that will be logged. * * @since 6.8.0 */ $error_message = apply_filters( 'wc_batch_processing_log_message', $error_message, $error, $batch_processor, $batch ); $this->logger->error( $error_message, array( 'exception' => $error ) ); } }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\BatchProcessing\BatchProcessingController' not found in /home/arasetne/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/DependencyManagement/ServiceProviders/BatchProcessingServiceProvider.php:35 Stack trace: #0 /home/arasetne/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/lib/packages/League/Container/ServiceProvider/ServiceProviderAggregate.php(102): Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DependencyManagement\ServiceProviders\BatchProcessingServiceProvider->register() #1 /home/arasetne/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/lib/packages/League/Container/Container.php(172): Automattic\WooCommerce\Vendor\League\Container\ServiceProvider\ServiceProviderAggregate->register('Automattic\\WooC...') #2 /home/arasetne/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/DependencyManagement/ExtendedContainer.php(158): Automattic\WooCommerce\Vendor\League\Container\Container->get('Automattic\\WooC...', false) #3 /home/arasetne/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wo in /home/arasetne/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/DependencyManagement/ServiceProviders/BatchProcessingServiceProvider.php on line 35

Fatal error: Uncaught Automattic\WooCommerce\Vendor\League\Container\Exception\ContainerException: Service provider lied about providing (Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\BatchProcessing\BatchProcessingController) service in /home/arasetne/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/lib/packages/League/Container/Container.php:175 Stack trace: #0 /home/arasetne/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/DependencyManagement/ExtendedContainer.php(158): Automattic\WooCommerce\Vendor\League\Container\Container->get('Automattic\\WooC...', false) #1 /home/arasetne/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/lib/packages/League/Container/Argument/ArgumentResolverTrait.php(45): Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\DependencyManagement\ExtendedContainer->get('Automattic\\WooC...') #2 [internal function]: Automattic\WooCommerce\Vendor\League\Container\Definition\Definition->Automattic\WooCommerce\Vendor\League\Container\Argument\{closure}('Automattic\\WooC...') #3 /home/arasetne/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/lib/p in /home/arasetne/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/lib/packages/League/Container/Container.php on line 175